The UK Police Encouraged Far-Right Protesters

The United Kingdom's police played a part in enabling far-right demonstrators by advising immigrants and minority communities to stay indoors during protests, and not protecting them proactively, says expert.

The UK Police Encouraged Far-Right Protesters

In this episode of “Unraveled with Marvi Sirmed”, Dr. Arif Azad, a distinguished expert in international affairs and public policy, explains the implications of far-right riots in the UK. With a focus on the surge of Islamophobia and its connection to these movements, Dr. Azad explains the influence of far-right groups on public sentiment and policy.

Dr. Azad expands on the role of the UK police, which, in some instances, have been accused of enabling far-right demonstrators by advising immigrants and minority communities to stay indoors during protests. This practice has initiated debate about fairness of policing in addressing hate crimes and maintaining public order.

The episode also explores the efforts of the current UK leadership to tackle Islamophobia and systemic racism. Dr. Azad critiques these efforts and offers an assessment of the challenges faced by policymakers in combating these issues. He proposes concrete steps that the UK government must take to prevent future unrest and protect the marginalized Black, Asian and Muslim ethnic communities from racially charged violence.

Tune in to hear this insightful discussion on the intersection of public policy, policing, and far-right extremism.