Google Chrome Starts Turning Off Third-Party Cookies 

Google describes the changes as a test, with plans for a full rollout to eliminate cookies later this year.

Google Chrome Starts Turning Off Third-Party Cookies 

Google has begun testing changes to how companies may monitor people online.

A new Chrome browser option removes third-party cookies, which are little files saved on your device to collect analytic data, customize online advertisements, and track surfing.

It will first be offered to 1% of worldwide users or around 30 million individuals.

Google defines the changes as a test, with a complete deployment to erase cookies planned for later this year.

Some advertisers, however, claim they will suffer as a consequence.

Google Chrome is the most used internet browser in the world.

Apple's Safari and Mozilla Firefox, which account for significantly less internet traffic, already feature third-party cookie-blocking options.

According to Google, randomly selected users will be asked if they wish to "browse with more privacy."

In a blog post, Google vice president Anthony Chavez stated, "We're taking a responsible approach to phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome." If a site doesn't operate without third-party cookies and Chrome detects a problem, we'll give you the option to re-enable third-party cookies for that website temporarily."

Google claims to be working on making the internet more private.

However, from the perspective of many websites, cookies are an essential aspect of selling the advertising on which they rely.

For some, advertising can feel intrusive. Many people will have the experience of visiting a website or making a purchase and then having related ads appear on all the sites they visit.