About NW

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New Wave Global (NW) is a non-partisan, non-conventional form of media that aims to narrate stories from Pakistan, South Asia, and the diasporas in the United States and Europe. Its primary aim is to engage with audiences in the regional and global contexts highlighting issues of today – democracy, human rights, climate change, social justice, and economic inequities – which are often not accorded their due importance and spotlight. Another objective of this channel is to give voice to the Pakistani diaspora in the United States and Europe, their contributions to and engagement with their new home countries, and the countries of their origin. In the twenty-first century, our lives and futures are intertwined. To address the challenges of today we need informed citizenries both at the national and international levels.

New Wave is an initiative of Public Broadcasting Network Inc. and works in collaboration with Naya Daur Media, The Friday Times, SAPAN News Network, and other media outlets, research outfits, academic institutions, and civil society groups in South Asia and the United States.

About the Team:

Raza Ahmad Rumi (President, NW)

Raza Ahmad Rumi is a policy analyst, journalist, and author. He is the Director of the Park Center for Independent Media and teaches in the journalism department at Ithaca College. He is also a member faculty at Brooks School of Public Policy, Cornell University. During 2015-2017, Raza was a scholar in residence at IC and taught courses in journalism and writing departments as well as at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University. Raza has been a fellow at the New America Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, and the National Endowment for Democracy. He is also a member of the think tank at the Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics, Georgetown University.

Presently, he is on the editorial board of The Friday Times and is the founding editor of NayaDaur Media. He is the co-editor of Ideas and Futures and founding editor of The Edge magazine. Earlier, he was the editor of Daily Times, Pakistan, and a TV broadcaster in Pakistan before he moved to the United States in 2014. Raza is the author of Delhi by Heart: Impressions of a Pakistani Traveller, The Fractious Path: Pakistan’s Democratic Transition and Identity, and Faith and Conflict. His most recent book Being Pakistani: Society, Culture and the Arts was published in June 2018 by Harper Collins, India. He co-edited a volume of essays entitled Rethinking Pakistan that was published by Anthem Press in September 2020.

Ahmed Nauraiz Rana (Director, NW)

Ahmed Nauraiz Rana is an economist, who consults with the World Bank Group in Washington DC. His work focuses on the design and implementation of investment climate reforms targeted toward creating an enabling environment conducive to poverty reduction and business-led growth. He has supported and advised various governments on how to promote private sector development while improving their country’s business environment.  Previously, he has worked with the IFC and UNDP on areas of private sector development focusing on entrepreneurship, market creation, and informality with cross-cutting emphasis on gender mainstreaming and digitalization. Nauraiz has published several reports and papers on these topics. Nauraiz holds a dual-degree Masters in Economic Development and Public Policy from Columbia University, and the London School of Economics. He holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and Finance from the University of Waterloo.

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